Discovery team
Robert Lundberg
CEO, Co-founder
Robert is co-founder of Upptäkke with a background in digital product development as a UX designer for 15+ years.
Fredrik Broman
Head of Sales
Fredrik jobbar med affärsutveckling och sälj på Upptäkke med lång erfarenhet från besöksnäringen.
Anders Bonnevier
CTO, Co-founder
Anders is co-founder of Upptäkke and CTO, with 15+ years of experience from product development in the toy industry.
Fredrik Thomsson
Fredrik is a full-stack developer who works at Upptäkke with AI and services for hosting and guest experiences.
Our History
Upptäkke was started from an idea of making it easier for people to get the most out of Sweden's beautiful nature - while also wanting it to happen in a sustainable way.
It was the starting shot that inspired us to create a solution that promotes the rental of activity and outdoor equipment and helps more people discover Swedish nature without having to buy expensive gadgets that require unnecessary storage space.
Today, Upptäkke helps hotels and accommodation facilities with services related to hosting and sustainable experiences.
Sedan 2022 är Upptäkke medlem i Science Park Gotlands inkubator och genomför Summit-programmet. Läs mer om SPG och deras verksamhet.